LogoFitFit University

Karim Abdullah

Fitness/Life Coach

Health and fitness is my passion so I created a fitness university to get you Fit Physically and Fit Mentally. It doesn't matter if you work out at home, a gym, outside, or on a vacation. I have it all in my workout courses. We only get one body, so why not challenge the body to keep it healthy and strong. You are going to be pushed, there will be days you don’t feel like it, life events will happen in your life, and other obstacles, but together we will get through it. My goal is to get you to see the importance of making health and fitness a part of your lifestyle. How a little small investment can change and improve your life. I want you to feel stronger, more confident in yourself, and more alive!! Turning you into your own body goals is the easy part, but maintaining that over decades is what we are going after. I’m here for all fitness levels and all backgrounds are welcomed. Remember yesterday is gone and It's never coming back, tomorrow is not a promise. Nothing will change in 2022 unless you're willing to step out of your comfort zone and change the way you think and live your life. If you're not growing, you're dying. WINTODAY!

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Karim Abdullah